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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Today tips
Indian Polity and Constitution
·        The phrase ‘procedure established by the law’ means the judges in India cannot question the fairness or validity of a law – provided it is within the limits of the Constitution.
·        The member of a State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of mis-behaviour only after an enquiry has been conducted by the – High Court of the state 
·        The preamble enshrines certain ideals that were first spelt out in the Objectives Resolution adopted by – the Constitutent Assembly.
·        The President can be impreached for – violating the constitution
·        The name of the union given in the Constitution is – India or Bharat
·        Article 25 of the Constitution of India deals with – Right to Religion
·        The members of the committees of Parliament are appointed by the speaker or elected by the House – from amongst its own members
·        The Parliament can legislate on the subject in the state list if the Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by two thirds of it to legislate – on a state matter in the national interest 
·        The preamble declares India as a soverign state which implies India is free to conduct here – internal as will as external affairs
·        The Parliament works through committees which exercise effective control over government – on a regular and continuing basis
Geography (India and the World)
·In the interior of the Earth – the temperature rises with increasing depth
·Currently half of the world’s population lives in just six countries Identify them – China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan
·The angular speed of a whirl-wind in a tornado towards the centre – remains constant
·The observe twinkling of stars due to constant change of refractive index of the medium between the stars and the Earth – because of temperature variation
·Global Positioning System (GPS) is associated with – determining latitude and longitude and navigation
·In summer season, the duration of day is more in – northern hemisphere
·Jet streams are usually found in the – Ozonosphere
·The Naramada river in the Peninsular plateau flows westward with a remarkably straight channel. It is because the river flows through – the trough of a rift valley inclined westward
·Why do the summer monsoon winds blow from south – western direction in the northern hemisphere? The low pressure conditions in northwest India
·From which district of Uttarakband State was Chipko Movement organised? – Chamoli
·Indian Broadcasting Service was renamed in 1936 as – All India Radio
·What culture should be given priority in groundnut cultivation? – Phosphobacteria
·Prabhat is an early short duration variety of – Red gram
·In maize plants – Silk appear first
·Blind hoeing is recommended the – Sugarcane
·Red Delicious is a variety of – Apple
·The number of essential mineral elements of plant is – 16
·Sulphur coated Urea contains N – 33%
·Granite is a – rock – Sedimentary
·Chemical formula of pyrite is – FeS2
·Soil fertility is reduced due to – Imbalanced use of fertilizers
·Whiptail is a disorder of cauli-flower due to deficiency of – Molybdenum
·Why South – East Asia has the largest concentration of peasant population at the global scale? – The region has favourable and healthier climate
·Wind is often found to blow on a hot summer day due to  - convection current of air
·Why do fold Mountains have enormous thickness of sedi-mentary rocks? – Due to acculumation of sediments in a geosyncline
·The Vindhyan system of rocks is important for the production of – Iron ore and manganese  

1.Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs inaugurated the 7th Heads of Indian Missions (HoMs) conference on 17 September. The conference is organized by the M/o Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) every year to discuss the issues related to protection and welfare of Overseas Indian workers. Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs announced revised Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) scheme, which includes:
1.Assistance towards boarding expenses per head by HOMs is enhanced from 15 to 30 days.
2.Payment of penalties in respect of Indian nationals for illegal stay in the host country where prima facie the worker is not at fault.
3.Providing support to local Overseas Indian Associations to establish Overseas Indian Community Centres in countries that have populations of Overseas Indians exceeding 2,00,000.
4.Providing support to start and run Overseas Indian Community-based student welfare centres in Countries that have more than 20,000 Indian students' presence.
Which of the above sentence/sentences is/are true revised Scheme?
(a)1, 2 and 3(b)2, 3 and 4
(c)1, 3 and 4(d)1, 2 and 4

2.India on 18 September 2012 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in New Delhi, to establish an institutional framework for their ongoing cooperation in the field of election management and administration. What is the name of this country?
(a)Egypt   (b)South Africa
(c)Turkey  (d)Afghanistan

3.Consider the following sentences regarding UIDAI's Iris Authentication proof of concept.
1.The UIDAI has successfully conducted the proof of concept Iris authentication study in Mandya district of Karnataka.
2.The study brought out the high accuracy levels (above 99.2%) achieved by iris authentication.
The correct sentence/sentences is/are
(a)Only 1   (b)Only 2
(c)1 and 2  (d)None of these

4.Scientists have developed a new cutting edge technique which automatically permits one computer in a virtual network to monitor another for intrusions, viruses or malware that cause malfunction. It sends computer data to a world outside its home, and bridges the gap between computer hardware and software systems. What is the nickname of this technique?
(a)Space Marker  (b)Data travel
(c)Space travel    (d)Space Soft

5.Consider the following sentence/sentences about spoof Ig Nobel award.
1.Two Japanese researchers won the spoof Ig Nobel acoustic prize for developing the Speech Jammer, a device that confuses and stifles a person speaking by sending the speaker a delayed recording of their own voice.
2.The science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research gives in 10 categories as a parody of the Nobel Prizes, was held at Harvard University's Sanders Theatre.
3.It was the Fifth straight year for an Ig Nobel prize to go to Japanese recipients.
The correct sentence is/are:
(a)1 and 2  (b)2 and 3
(c)1 and 3  (d)None of the above

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Topics to be covered from Hindu Paper dated on Wednesday, January 30th 2013
Page No.
Locked in U.N. files, 15 years of bloodletting at LoC
China gives go-ahead for three new Brahmaputra dams
Loans to become cheaper as RBI cuts policy rate
New Delhi invites Dhaka’s stake in dams on common rivers
Living together, separately
From footnote to R.I.R.
The dilemma remains
When the light went out
How Savarkar escaped the gallows
President to open The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy
Locked in U.N. files, 15 years of bloodletting at LoC
More elbow room for banks to cut rates
‘Let GST Council decide tax on petro – products’
RBI reiterates demand for strong and effective supply side response
Leprosy continues to haunt India, social stigma remains
1.    Match the following:
    Volcano Type        Examples
    A.    Cinder Cone    1.    Mount Shasta
    B.    Composite    2.    Mount Lassen
    C.    Shield Volcano    3.    Mount Tabor
    D.    Volcanic Dome    4.    Mount Sylvania

        A    B    C    D
    (a)    3    2    4    1
    (b)    3    1    4    2    (c)    2    1    3    4
    (d)    1    3    4    2

2.    Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:
    1.    The tectonic or horizontal movement of the earth brings about disturbance in its interior portions and thus causes Earthquakes.
    2.    The magnitude of the earthquake is measured by the Richter scale developed by Charles Francis Richter.
    3.    All earthquakes are accompanied by volcanic eruption and vice-versa.
    4.    One of the most powerful earthquakes in the world causes Tsunami in Japan in March, 2011.
    (a)    1, 2 and 3   
(b)    1, 2 and 4    (c)    1, 3 and 4    (d)    1, 2, 3 and 4

3.    Match the List-I and List-II
        List -I            List-II
     (Companies)        (Punch Line)
    A.    Windows XP    1.    Be the first to know
    B.    IBM    2.    Journalism of Courage
    C.    CNN    3.    Do More with Less
    D.    The Indian Express    4.    On Demand
        A    B    C    D
    (a)    3    4    2    1
    (b)    4    3    1    2
    (c)    3    4    1    2
    (d)    4    3    2    1
4.    Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:
    1.    Ministry of Defence Comprises of four Departments, with the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare which is latest to be created in 2004.
    2.    Western Naval Command of Indian Navy is in Goa.
    3.    College of Defence Management is in Secunderabad.
    4.    The Air Force is organized into five (functional) and two (operational commands.
    (a)    1, 3 and 4    (b)    1, 2 and 4
    (c)    1, 2 and 3   
(d)    1 and 35.    Match the following:
    Newspapers        Country
    A.    Morning News    1.    Russia
    B.    The Sun    2.    Bangladesh
    C.    Pravda    3.    Indonesia
    D.    Merdeka    4.    Britain
        A    B    C    D
    (a)    4    2    3    1
    (b)    2    4    1    3
    (c)    2    4    3    1
    (d)    4    2    1    3

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Topics to be covered from Hindu Paper dated on Saturday January 26th 2013
Page No.
In a Chicago courtroom, justice tinged with betrayal
Padma Vibhushan for Yash Pal, Roddam
Real Estate  Bill may not be hard on builders after all
Bhutan King thanks India
Curfew in Rajasthan towns following communal clashes
A manifesto for change
Recycle grey water
India’s benign constitutional revolution
The great number fetish
Padma Awards for Jaspal Bhatti, Gyatri Spivak, Sridevi
Israel’s emerging political superstar faces a minefield
Topics to be covered from Hindu Paper dated on Friday January 25th 2013
Page No.
Parliament won’t work if Shinde fails to apologise, says Rajnath
Israel’s shock vote gives a glimmer of hope for Palestinians
Right the wrong
A moment of triumph for women
Antibiotic resistance’s ‘apocalyptic’ threat
Alchemizing anger to hope
Blow the whistle and face the music
“Coal allocation is none of your business”
All sexual identities are entitled to protection: Verma report
Environment, Tribal Ministries to stand by forest rights while meeting PM
‘India, a living example of secularism’
RBI revises rules for bulk deposits
Reserve Bank eases rules for FII investment in debt

1.    Mark the incorrect statement regarding Aravali Ranges:
    (a)    Age of Aravalis range is about 670 million years.
    (b)    The highest peak is Guru Shikhar in Mount Abu.
    (c)    The range joins two of the ancient segments that make up the Indian Creation.
    (d)    It is a range of mountains in Central India.
2.    Consider the following statements and choose the correct option:
    1.    The centrally sponsored Scheme 'Project Tiger' was launched in April, 1973 with the objective to ensure maintenance of the viable population of Tiger in India
    2.    The Animal Welfare Division is entrusted with the implementation of the provisions of the prevention of cruelty to Animals Act, 1970.
    3.    Salim Ali Centre for Omithology and Natural History (SACON) is in Mysore.
    4.    Ratapani Tiger Reserve is in Madhya Pradesh.
    (a)    1, 3 and 4    (b)    2, 3 and 4
    (c)    1 and 4    (d)    1, 2 and 4

3.    Which of the following is true for existing Economic and Industrial Policies of Indian Govt.?
    1.    FERA was abolished
    2.    MRTP was abolished
    3.    Cash compensatory support for exports was abolished
    4.    Industrial licensing (except of few goods) was abolished.
    (a)    1, 2, 3 and 4    (b)    1, 3 and 4
    (c)    Only 3 and 4    (d)    Only 2 and 3

4.    Narsimhan Committee was related to:
    (a)    High Education Reforms
    (b)    Tax Structure Reforms
    (c)    Banking Structure Reforms    (d)    Planning Implementation Reforms

5.    What is 'Stagflation'?
    (a)    Inflation with growth
    (b)    Deflation with growth
    (c)    Inflation after deflations
    (d)    Inflation with depression