Appropriation Bill: Under the Constitution, no money can be withdrawn from the consolidated Fund of India without enactment of law by the Parliament. In pursuance of this, a Bill incorporating all the demands for Grnats voted by the Lok Sabha, along with the expenditures, charged on the consolidated fund, is introduced in the Lok Sabha. The Bill is known as the Appropriation Bill. The Bill, as the name itself suggests, intends to give legal authority to the government to appropriate expenditure from and out of the Consolidated Fund.
After the Bill is passed by the Lok Sabha. The Speaker certifies it as a Money Bill and transmits it to the Rajya Sabha.
Finance Bill: All the financial proposals of the Government of the following year and incorporated in a Bill known as the Finance Bill which ordinarily introduced in the Lok Sabha every year immediately after the Budget is presented. It gives effect to the financial proposals of the government as also to supplementary financial proposals for any period 12.
This Bill has to be considered and passed by the Parliament and assented to by the President within 75 days after it is introduced. 13
Vote of Account: It is necessary that the government should keep enough finance with, it to run the administration of the country, until the demands are voted by the Parliament. A special provision, therefore, has been made for what is called the Vote on Account, which empowers the Lok Sabha to make any grant in advance for a part of any financial year, pending the completion of the budgetary process. 16
1.According to Suresh Tendulkar report, poverty in India is:
(a)42.4% rural areas, 28.7% in urban and 37.8% all India level.
(b)42.8% in rural area, 28.7% is urban area and 32% all India level.
(c)41.8% in rural areas, 25.7% in urban areas and 37.2% all India level
(d)25.7% in rural areas, 41.8% in urban area and 37.2% an India level.
2.Which of the followings are included in the Prime Minister's new 15 Point Programme for Welfare of minorities.
1.Enhancing opportunities for Education.
2.Equitable share in Economic Activities and Employment.
3.Improving the conditions of living of minorities.
4.Prevention and control of Communal riots
(a)1, 2 and 3(b)1, 3 and 4
(c)2, 3 and 4(d)1, 2, 3 and 4
3.Consider the following statements regarding MGNREGA and Choose the correct option:
1.It was launched on February 2, 2006 from Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh.
2.It provide a legal guarantee of 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every adult member of rural household.
3.At least one third of the beneficiaries shall be woman who have registered and requested for work under the scheme.
4.It has the potential to increase the purchasing power of rural poor, reduce distress migrations and to create useful assets in rural India.
(a)1, 2 and 4(b)1, 3 and 4
(c)2, 3 and 4(d)1, 2, 3 and 4
4.Match the following:
1.SJSRYA.Empowering Adolescent Girls
2.SABLAB.Health Insurance Cover
3.RAYC.Urban Employment
4.RSBYD.Slum Free India
5.The waves in which the particles of the medium oscillate along the direction of wave propagation is called:
(a)Mechanical Wave
(b)Transverse Wave
(c)Longitudinal Wave
(d)Progressive Wave