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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

1. Those communists who believe in the ideology of Mao, the leader of the Chinese Revolution are called – Maoists
2. A woman or a man who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men is called – Feminist
3. Two-thirds of India’s population is still dependent on – Agriculture
4. The land on which the crops are grown is known as – Arable land
5. Commercial rearing of silk worms is known as – Sericulture
6. Which type of soil is mostly confined to river basins and coastal plains of India? – Alluvial soils
7. Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds is known as – Pisciculture
8. The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in South Indian is called the - Palghat Gap
9. In which type of farming, the organic manure and the natural presticides are used instead of chemicals? Organic Farming
10. The type of farming which is practised to meet the needs of the farmer’s family is called – Subsistence Farming
11. The population increase in the world is mainly due to rapid increase in – Natural growth rate
12. Shifting cultivation is known by different names in different parts of the world – Jhummring – North East India, Milpa in Mexico Roca in Brazil, and Ladang in – Malaysia
13. Which type of farming/ herding practised in the semi – arid and arid regions of Sahara, Central Asia and some parts of India, like Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir? – Nomadic Herding
14. The process in which metals are extracted from their ores by hating beyond the melting point is called – smelting  
15. The have ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw. It helps to retain soil moisture. This process is called – Mulching


1.Match the following:
Oceanic Deposit Description
1.Blue MudA.Disintegration of rocks rich in Iron sulphide found in mediterrean sea.
2.Red MudB.Found in yellow sea, Brazilian Coast.
3.Green MudC.Silicates of potassium and Glauconite

2.Consider the following statements:
1.During Neap Tide Moon, Earth and Sun are at right angles.
2.During Spring Tide Moon, Earth & sun are in the same straight line.
Which of the following is correct:
(a)Both 1 and 2(b)None
(c)Only 1(d)Only 2

3.Match the following:
Drainage PatternDescription
1.TrellisA.Tributaries meet the main stream at right angle.
2.RectangularB.Main stream bonds at right angles and tributaries joint at right angles.
3.RadialC.Tributaries from summit follow the slope down wards and drain downin all direction.
4.CentripetalD.In a low lying basin the stream converge from all sides.

4.In context of Earthquake, which of the following is an incorrect term:

5.Match the following:
1.AluvineA.Calcium, Aluminium, Magnesium, Iron Silice
2.PyroxeneB.Aluminium Silicate
3.CorundumC.Magnesium Iron, Silice
4.KaoliniteD.Aluminium Oxide