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Thursday, 21 June 2012

1. Achievements of RD’S 2012.
some of our successful students.
1. J. Rajarathinam 99940020 (Group II)
2. M. Priya 99968131 (Group II)
3. S. Shake Mathar  99853061  (Group II)
4. R. Prabhu  99737147  (Group II)
5. S. Karuppaiya 99833135 (Group II)
6. Gokulekrishnan (Group II)
7. Karthikairani 99907157 (Group II)
8. Ramkumar  – 99955235 (Group II)
9. M.S. Sekar – 50044266 ( Group I)
                           50171090 ( Group II)
10. P. Aravindan 02811190 (Group I)
11. L. Ukkirapandi 01016019 (Group I)
12. P. Dhanraj 01504216 (Group I)
                          50120056 (Group II)
13. U. sugumaran 01009062 (Group I)
14. R. Senthil 00403010 (Group I)
15. T. Arunkumar 50085201 (Group I)
                                50013078 (Group II)
16. N. Gopal 01016029 (Group II)

2. New updates: tnpsc
UPSC – Classes
Starts on                     :    July 1st              
Course duration          :    11 months
Class                           :    Sunday
Time                           :    10.00 to 1.00
Test Time                    :    1.30 to 3.30
Additional                   :    Complete materials will be provided 
Cost                             :    Rs. 17,000
Starts on June 30
Class : Saturday - 1.00 to 5.00
            Sunday – 10.00 to 2.00
Cost Rs. 5,700 (with materials)
TNPSC Test Batch
Starts on                     :    July 1st
Total test                    :    Group I – 10
                                        Group II – 20 (with Tamil)
·         Flexible Timing
·         Discussions on all Sundays
Cost                             :    Group I – Rs. 1700
                                        Group II – Rs. 2000

3. India makes a telling presence of G20 meet:
First, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ticked the Europeans off for landing themselves and the world economy in such a big mess and then expecting handouts from even poor countries.

Second, the Prime Minister’s consistent stand, that growth and austerity have to be combined, has also finally found favour.

Growth emphasis

The 14-page Declaration strongly emphasises the need for growth because, by itself, austerity will not solve the debt problem of the Eurozone. Britain and Germany have been insisting on austerity first to set Eurozone in order.

Third, the Summit declaration included for the first time investment in infrastructure in the developing countries in the preamble. India has been pushing for this at the last three Summits.

Fourth, the Declaration has also called for ending what it calls mechanistic reliance on credit rating agencies, and encouraging transparency and competition amongst them.

Fifth, although no one is saying it openly, there is a distinct sense amongst the officials that the developing countries have improved their clout this time. This is evident from, amongst other things, agreement that IMF quota reform should be speeded up from 2013.

Overall, the non-European members of the G20 have succeeded in sending a strong message to Europe that enough is enough and that it has to end its nationalistic bickerings so that the Eurozone’s finances can be supervised by a triumvirate comprising the European Central Bank, the IMF and the EU.

Key to this is the acceptance by European countries to subordinate their financial institutions to an outside agency. The G20 has also explicitly recognized the progress made by China in market-determined exchanged rates, and the gradual appreciation of the Renminbi. The U.S. will now stop targeting China’s exchange rate policies.

The next G20 Summit is in 2013 with Russia as the new chair. Reacting to the Communique, the Prime Minister has said, ``Eurozone leaders… recognize the need to move beyond the present monetary union towards unified banking supervision and adoption of common and enforceable fiscal rules.’’

4. TNPSC – Important Persons for the day
Bharathi Dasan:
·Born at Pondichery on April 29, 1891.
·His father’s name is Kanakasabai and Mother Lakshmi ammal
·1920 – Worked as a teacher and joined the Non – cooperation movement
·Books – Pandian Parisu, Ethirparatha Muttam, Kudumba Vilakku, Erunda Veedu, Alagin siriup (Esai Amuthu Tamil Eyakkam)
·Monthly Magazin – “Kuyil” – (1948)
·Drama – ‘Pisiranthayar’
·He was called by Periyar as “Puratchi Kavingar”
·Other name – “Pavandhar, Puratchi Kavi, Pudumai Kavigar’
·In the year 2001. Our government has launched a stamp on behalf of his memory.
·Every year to honour his work tamil nadu government issue “Bharathi dasan Award” to the best poet.
·1970’s – he received sahitya academy award for his work ‘Pisiranthayar’
·Bharathidasan award 2010 – Mr. Elavarasan, 2011 – Mr. Radhakrishnan