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Wanted to know how to make notes from hindu Editorial. This is my notes of Editorial from Oct 8th hindu paper. You can follow this pattern to gain good knowledge and flow of writing in Mains exam. Students feedback about the article can be sent to rds_ias.study@yahoo.com / sms to 9445680297. To serve you better.
Controversy by Mr. V.S.Achuthanandan former CM of Kerala over the Neutrino observatory.
2000 – Conference in Chennai (idea originated)
2001 – Neutrino conference in Chennai
2002 – Proposal submitted to DAE
DAE is the nodal agency
ª Originated in XII Plan, investment Rs.1350 cr by DAE & DST
ª 26 institute’s are involved
ª 100 scientist work for the project
ª Tata institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai – Nodel Institute
What is Neutrinos?
Its a particle that is emitted from sun and other cosmic sources every day. They are the abundantly found next to photon but still they are stranger. They are transparent with other particles.
Many neutrinos passes through human body every day but do not harm.
Features of Neutrino
ª They interact very rarely and so cannot be detected easily
ª A large background flux of other particles of cosmic rays are found along with them.
ª Neutrino detector are therefore placed deep inside the earth to avoid these flux.
ª Even through they are very transparent some Neutrino interact with the devices.
Types of Neutrino: - Electron
- Muon
These neutrino’s have a very minimum mass therefore its unknown. The heaviest neutrino should atleast hold 10 millionth. But we still cannot arrange the Neutrino’s based on their mass called “Mass hierarchy”.
Neutrino oscillation : -
As neutrino’s are stranger they can sometime get converted into another form when they interact with human, earth, space etc. This is called Neutrino oscillation.
Eg: Muon neutrino – Tau neutrino
Rare oscillation: Tau neutrino to electron neutrino
Location of Neutrino Laboratory : 110 km from Madurai under the rocky mountain of Bodi hills.
Site 1 : - Mudumalai
The hydro project PUSHEP of TNEB @ singara near mudumalai Tiger reserve was best suited in 2002. But it was not cleared by Tamil Nadu dept in 2007.
9Reasons for rejection:-
ª Site fall under the buffer zone
ª Its a tiger reserve area from 2008 (But the project was issued in 2002 itself)
ª Its a tourist region
Site 2 : Bodi west Hill
Under the mountain with in a depth of 1.3 km a 50 kg weighted magnetised iron colorimeter detector will be placed. It detects both the manmade and natural neutrinos in the earth.
9 Argument against site 2 :
ª This site is located in the border of both Tamil nadu and Kerala permission for both the states are required.
ª Breaking of mountain for constructing the laboratory may affect the mullai - periyar dam that is 100km away.
ª The neutrino beams from Fermi lab of USA would affect the biodiversity.
Indian Neutrino observatory likely to start its operation from 2017.
Article by : Mrs. D. Yugaselvi Gowtham (co-ordinator of UPSC)
Topics to be covered in Hindu
A stinking mess
Turning the clock back
IAC and DLF : Point – counterpoint on Vadra’s deals
Black money probe: first international success for ED
Centre likely to sign deal with landless marchers on Jan Satyagraha at Agra
Physics Nobel for quantum scientists
Waiver of interest, penalty in retro tax cases mooted
Oedema, also known as dropsy, is a condition resulting from the abnormal accumulation of fluid in certain tissues. Oedema occurs when capillaries (tiny blood vessels) leak fluid, which then accumulates in surrounding tissues and causes swelling. The leak occurs if too much force or pressure builds up inside the capillaries or if sufficient force outside the capillaries causes fluid to be drawn through it or if the capillary walls cannot maintain equilibrium. Oedema can be localized – in an organ or limb or may be generalized, when the fluid retention is systemic.
Oedema can lead to:
ª Stiffness
ª Reduction in blood circulation
ª Impaired elasticity of arteries, veins, joints and muscles
ª Stretching and itchiness of skin
ª Skin ulcers
ª Scarring between layers of tissue
ª Increased risk of infection
ª Painful swellings
ª Trouble walking
Magnetospheres: The region surrounding a planet within which the planetary magnetic field dominates and charged particles can be trapped.
Bolometer: A king of detector mainly used to measure infrared radiation. A bolometer works by heating up as it absorbs the radiation that reaches it. the increase in temperature is measured by an internal electrical resistance and is a measure of the amount of radiation absorbed.
Cassini Huygens Mission: The joint NASA – ESA spacecraft intended to study. Saturn and its moons, carrying onboard ESA’s Huygens Probe. Named after Jean Dominique Cassini the Italian French astronomer who discovered several Saturnian satellites and the magnificent rings of Saturn, and Christiaan Huygens, who discovered Titan in 1655.
Current Account: Part of a nation’s balance of payments which includes the value of all goods and services imported and exported, as well as the payment and receipt of dividends and interest. A nation has a current account surplus if exports exceed imports plus net transfers to foreigners. The sum of the current and capital accounts is the overall balance of payments.
Commercial Policy: Also referred to as a trade policy or international trade policy, it is a governmental policy governing trade with third countries. This covers tariffs, trade subsidies, import quotas. Voluntary Export Restraints, restrictions on the establishment of foreign owned businesses, regulation of trade in services and other barriers to international trade.
Economic policy : A statement of objectives and the methods of achieving these objectives (policy instruments) by government, political party, business concern, etc. Some examples of government economic objectives are maintaining full employment, achieving a high rate of economic growth, reducing income inequalities and regional development inequalities, and maintaining price stability. Policy instruments include fiscal policy, monetary and financial policy and legislative controls.