Topics to be covered from Hindu Paper dated on Thursday October 25th
Page No.
New technology to breed Cobia in farms, ponds
When war passes for foreign policy
Well intentioned, wrong headed
Erope deserves its Nobel
Crossing the point of no return
Polio endgame not immune to politics
BCG : a vaccine for more than just TB
Spotting diseases from bone samples
Water’s transparency
Management of rice blast disease
Balwan Pyaj onion variety
Indo-European Family of Language:
In the Indo – European family, the Indo-Aryan or Indic languages are today spoken by a majority of the population of Indian subcontinent. These include Hindustani (the spoken form of Hindi and Urdu), Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Sindhi, Oriya, Assamese, Nepali and many other languages.
The Dardic branch close to Indo-Aryan, consists of a set of languages in the far north of India, among which Kashmiri alone is a major literary language.
Then, there are Iranic languages, to which Pashto and Baluchi in Pakistan belong.
The Nuristant languages, spoken in distant valleys of northwestern Afghanistan and north NWFP, belong neither to the Indo-Aryan nor to the Iranic branch, and have many archaic features.
Earliest Known Languages:
The earliest known languages of the Indo - Aryan and the Iranic families, the Rig Vedic and Avestan, were so close that they easily enable philologists to reconstruct a Proto - Aryan (or ‘Proto - Indo - Iranian’) language.
There is no doubt, that the Aryan or Indo - Iranian group of languages belongs to the Indo - European family, as one can see from the similarities in many words in ordinary usage, like those for father, mother, daughter, brother, etc
Continuous research has not only added a large number of languages to the Indo - European family, but also established a sequential order of changes, whereby the older (‘archaic’) forms of words can be distinguished from the later.
From such effort, the purely hypothetical vocabulary of the ancestral ‘Proto-Indo-European’ language has been constructed. The restructured vocabulary suggests that those who spoke the ancestral language practised pastoralism and were familiar with horses.
In the Indus basin, with the disappearance of the Indus script (and presumably, of the official language that was written in it), there was no strong rival facing Indo-Aryan. There might have been only several minor languages, some of whom were probably Dravidian, to judge from the appearance of some Dravidian words in the Rigveda.
“Origin of Prakrit language” follows in tomorrow’s blog
Question to be learn
1.The Strategic Forces Command (SFC) of the Indian Army launched the Agni-I missile from the Wheeler Island, off the Odisha coast, on 13 July 2012. The first flight of Agni-I took place in-
2.Consider the following statement regarding to export of India
1.India's exports for the month of June 2012 registered a decline of (-) 5.45%, at US $ 25.07 billion compared to June 2011 when it stood at US $ 26.51 billion.
2.Balance of Trade stood at US $ 10.3 billion during June 2012.
Correct statement is/ are
(a)Only 1
(b)Only 2
(c)Both 1 and 2
(d)None of these
3.The credit of being first to raise cyber cadre in Indian Force goes to
(b)Indian Army
(c)Indian Navy
4.The chairman an Expert Committee on GAAR is
(a)Dr. Parthasarathi Shome
(b)Dr. Ajay Shah
(c)Dr. Syeda Hameed
(d)Dr. C.P. Joshi
5.Consider the following statement regarding to Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)
1.The scheme provides subsidy for investments in capital expenditure i.e. 20% for investments in SEZs and 25% in non-SEZs.
2.The incentives are available for investments made in a project within a period of 10 years from the date of approval.
3.The incentives are available for 29 category of ESDM products.
4.The scheme is open for three years from notification
Correct statement is /are
(a)1, 2 and 3(b)1, 2 and 4
(c)1, 3 and 4(d)All above