Salient features of Indian demography
The striking features of Indian demography are as follows:
1. Population Too Large five Area : While being one of the most populous countries of the world, occupying the second place after China and accounting for 16.7 per cent of the world population. India, however accounts for only 2.42 per cent of the total world area.
2. Overwhelming Proportion of Rural Population : About 72 per cent of the population lives in rural areas. This indicates a massive dependence on agriculture and other rural industries.
3. Fast Rate of Population Growth : The average annual exponential growth rule for the 1981-91 decade dropped to 2.14 per cent from 2.22 per cent in 1971 – 81. In the decade 1991-2001. It fell to 1.9 per cent. The cities or towns have registered even a higher growth. This has happened because the urban centres have expanded in area and have encroached upon the surrounding villages, as people continue to poor into urban centres in search of jobs and better living.
4. Deciliing Proportion of Women India’s population is by and large male – dominated. The proportion of women declined all through the twentleth century. This may be attributed more to the sociological factors which explain the low preference for the female child in the family. Of late, female feeticide and inferriticide have come to light. In the absence of proper attention, the female child falls an easy prey to diseases caused by under-nutrition. A large number of women also die during childbirth.
5. High Percentage of Non-workers Only 40 per cent of our population can be classified as workers- this includes the population below 15 years also (i.e., child labour), otherwise this figure would have been even lower. In India, a high percentage of below 15-year population and low rates of labour participation among women are responsible for a high percentage of the non-working population.
6.Lop-sided Age Structure about one-half of our population is less than 20 years of age. Such a large population of youth has its own social economic and political implications.
7.Ethnic Diversity Apart from the problems associated with its size, the problem of ethnic diveristy with which the country was characterised has also divested the Indian society of sociela cohesion which has affected the pace of socio-economic advancement of the countru adversely. Above all, the concentration of religious minorities in the strategically located peripheral areas is also not without its social, economic and political implications.
1.Dr. Nandlal Jotwani, Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities presented the 48th Report for Linguistic Minorities to Minister for Minority Affairs on 27 July. The Commissioner Linguistic Minorities is the Constitutional Authority appointed under ---------------- of the Constitution of India.
(a)Article 350
(b)Article 350-A
(c)Article 350-B
(d)Article 351
2.Consider the following statement
1.The first National Policy on Children was formulated in 1974.
2.According to revised National Policy for Children 2012 a 'child' as a person below Fourteen years of age, and acknowledges the inalienable and inherent rights of the child and aims to realize the 'full range of child rights for all children in the country'.
3.The Directive Principles of State Policy specifically guide the State in securing the tender age of children from abuse and ensuring that children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner in conditions of freedom and dignity.
Correct code in
(a)1 and 2
(b)2 and 3
(c)All of the above
(d)None of these
3.Match the following
List I
A.Anil Kumar Agarwal
B.Arvind Mayaram
C.Smt. Stuti Narain Kacker
List II
1.New Employees' State Insurance Corporation DG
2.Secretary, Economic Affairs
3.Secretary Department of Disability Affairs MSJE
4.Consider the following statement
1.Achim is an indigenous tablet of North Korea.
2.A new technique to hijack a smartphone via a short-range radio technology known as Near Field Communication (NFC).
3.Leishmaniasis is transmitted by Leishmania donovani, a parasite spread by sandflies.
Correct statement is/are
(a)1 and 2
(b)2 and 3
(c)1 and 3
(d)All of the above