Topics to be covered from Hindu Paper dated on Thursday November 22nd
Page No.
Kasab Hangs, Justice for 26/11 still exclusive (Operation ‘X’ top secret from beginning to end: Symbol of terror gets grave in jail known for Gandhi
The hangman’s justice
Keeping the nation in the dark
Welcome move on clinical trials
Ticket to paradise in a brutal world
Chasing a name in jighadi heartland
Gorenment, Congress shun triumphalism
Drop death penalty from statue: Human Rights watch
No agreement yet on rule under which FDI debate is to be taken up
Temple beside Charminar – more evidence
Three Indians figure in DSC – 2013 shortlist
RBI advisory panel preferred rate cut
‘High inflation is definitely a reason for sluggish growth’
Window closes on new theory of particle physics
‘Lord of the Rings’ volcano erupts
Now, lipstick created from squid skin
Is No Touch Breast Scan useful for breast cancer screening?
1.Consider the following sentence/sentences about National Awards to Meritorious Teachers.
1.Every year, on the occasion of Teachers' Day (i.e. on September 5, the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Former President of India), the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education and Literacy organizes a function for conferring these National Awards on meritorious teachers.
2.The Awards were instituted in 1959 to give public recognition to meritorious teachers working in primary, middle and secondary schools.
3.For teachers promoting inclusive education in schools and the education of children with disabilities in regular schools, 'Special Awards' have been instituted from the award year 2001.
The correct sentence/sentences is/are
(a)1 and 2(b)2 and 3
(c)1 and 3(d)1, 2 and 3
2.Astronomers have discovered a new super-earth in the habitable zone around the red dwarf star. The exoplanet has a mass of 6.9 times that of Earth and an orbital period of 26 days. What is the name of exoplanet?
(a)Gliese 161(b)Gliese 162
(c)Gliese 163(d)Gliese 164
3.Consider the following sentence/sentences about Basel Accord.
1.First promulgated in 1988 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) under the aegis of the Bank of International Settlements.
2.The Basel accord established a set of minimum capital requirements that banks would be required to hold vis-à-vis the loans given out by them.
3.The Basel Accord stands on three pillars: minimum capital requirements, regulatory supervision and market discipline (in the form of disclosures being made to investors and other stakeholders).
The correct sentence/sentences is/are
(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3
4.How many States and UTs have formulated Dowry Prohibition Rules, under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, compatible with model rules circulated by Government of India.
5.Consider the following statements regarding SAARC university.
1.India is committed to bearing 100% of the capital cost towards the establishment of the University.
2.Objective of university is to provide liberal and humane education to the brightest and the most dedicated students of Asia so that a new class of quality leadership is nurtured.
3.At present, SAU (South Asian University) offers eight academic programmes.
Correct statement is /are
(a)1 and 2(b)2 and 3
(c)1 and 3(d)all above