1. Leather shoes are often covered by patches of a greenish fluffy mass during the rainy season, if unattended for sometime. This is due to the growth of a:
(a) bacterium (b) blue-green algae
(c) green algae (d) fungus
2. Freshly passed urine has hardly any smell but when it is allowed to stand, it develops a strong ammonical odour owing to :
(a) conversion of urea to ammonia via urea cycle
(b) conversion of urea to ammonia by bacteria
(c) conversion of uric acid and urea to ammonia
(d) conversion of uric acid, urea and creatinine to ammonia
3. Three communicable diseases prevalent in developing countries caused by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation are :
(a) acute diarrhoes, cancer and gout
(b) malaria, acute diarrhoea and schistosomiasis
(c) onchocerciasis, leukaemia and arthritis
(d) rheumatism, malaria and AIDS
4. The xylem tissue in plant carryout following functions
(a) Transport carbohydrate
(b) Transport of water
(c) Transport of protein
(d) Transport of oxygen
5.Which of the following statement regarding to respiration and photosynthesis in plants is correct?
(a) Both proceed at the same rate.
(b) Photosynthesis proceeds at a much faster rate than respiration.
(c) Photosynthesis proceeds at a much slower rate than respiration.
(d) There is no connection between the two